Plan your Barcelona Fringe Experience! Here, you’ll find a daily schedule for each day of the festival. Each day details the performances, workshops, and events happening throughout the day, so you can easily plan your festival experience.
Barcelona Fringe Workshop Series Monday, Nov. 4: Serena Smart’s Writing Session & Mixer...
Welcome to the first-ever Barcelona Fringe Festival!
Welcome to the first-ever Barcelona Fringe Festival, a giant collaboration between the biggest comedy brands, venues, and comedians in Barcelona! We received over 300 applications and have narrowed it down to what we think are the best shows.
To reflect the multilingual nature of Barcelona, you can see shows in English, Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian, Hinglish, and Russian. You’ll find everything from International superstars to local comics performing their solo shows, plus showcases of the local and visiting talent, and other fun format shows.
In short: there’s something for everyone!
This program contains all the info you need to plan your days at the Fringe.